October 29th
Gürkan Türkaslan met with the viewers on Türkiyem TV in the Republic Day Special Program on October 29.
The 96th Republic Day of our country was celebrated with enthusiasm. On this special day, Gürkan Türkaslan, President of Visionaries Association, participated in a television program on Türkiyem TV and emphasized the importance of the Republic in Turkey.
Gürkan Türkaslan explained the basic values of the Republic and drew attention to the importance of young people for the future of Turkey. He stated that as Visionaries Association, they aim to turn the concerns of our country into hopes and to raise cadres who will have a say in the Turkey of the future.
The "Pocket Parliament" and "Poolitick" projects of the Visionaries Association were also introduced in the program. He emphasized that with the "Cepte Meclis" project, the work of the parliament can be followed on mobile phones, and with the "Poolitick" project, a pool of successful policies will be created.
Gürkan Türkaslan emphasized the importance of the Republic and invited all citizens to protect the values of the Republic. He stated that they will celebrate the Republic Day enthusiastically at Anıtkabir with a visit after the program.
While celebrating our Republic on this meaningful day, he shared information about the pioneering work and future plans of the Visionaries Association.