Thank You Eren and You Will Always Be Eren!
Born in Maçka district of Trabzon province of Turkey on January 1, 2002, Eren Bülbül has earned a special place in the hearts of the Turkish Nation with his courage and love of homeland throughout his short life. Despite his young age, Eren Bülbül became the owner of a story of heroism that will not be erased from the memories of the country. When he was only 15 years old, he was martyred on August 11, 2017, when he was subjected to a horrific attack by the PKK terrorist organization. Eren Bülbül was targeted by terrorists in a rural clash between Turkish security forces and PKK militants. While Eren Bülbül's life and martyrdom left the country in mourning, his heroism and sacrifice left an unforgettable mark. The martyrdom of Eren Bülbül once again revealed how terrorism can kill innocent people and the date of August 11 was engraved in the memories as a painful day for Turkey's unity and solidarity.
Eren Bülbül was born into an ordinary family in the Maçka district of Trabzon. However, it became clear that Eren was not an ordinary child with his patriotism at an early age. At a young age, Eren stood out with his love for his country and his devotion to his homeland. Despite his young age, Eren Bülbül was a child who spread joy around him with his sincere smile and innocence. One dark summer day, Eren's life and the world of his family changed in an instant. What happened after the clash between the PKK terrorist organization and security forces in the Köprüyanı neighborhood of Maçka prepared Eren's tragic end.
Eren, who lived in Köprüyanı neighborhood, lost his life on August 11, 2017 in a treacherous attack by terrorists after a clash in a rural area. The incident took place near the Vazelon Monastery in the Köprüyanı neighborhood of Maçka. Eren's heroism came to light with the details that emerged after the incident. After a clash between police teams and the PKK, terrorists had entered a house in the area to steal supplies. When Eren noticed the activities of a group of PKK terrorists in that house, he immediately reported the situation to the security forces. Together with the Turkish gendarmerie and police, Eren went to the house where the terrorists were, but unfortunately he was martyred in an ambush by terrorists.
After the death of Eren Bülbül, the perpetrators were hunted down. In the operations carried out in Güce district of Giresun, Eren's murder suspects, Barış Coşkun, code-named "Şoreş", and Bedrettin Çeliker, code-named "Berxwedan", were killed. With these operations, the blood of Eren Bülbül and Gendarmerie Petty Officer Senior Sergeant Ferhat Gedik was left in the ground and the terrorists responsible for their martyrdom were held accountable for the lives lost.
Eren Bülbül's story did not end with a bitter farewell. The Turkish nation has demonstrated a strong will to make Eren's heroism and self-sacrifice permanent. Efforts to perpetuate and immortalize his memory have materialized with impressive steps across the country. Eren Bülbül's name was kept alive in many places and his memory was kept alive for generations to come.
Eren Bülbül's sad story shows how terrorism can target innocents and how great a child's love for his homeland can be. His memory will live on as a symbol that strengthens Turkey's unity and solidarity, symbolizes patriotism and glorifies innocence. Thank you Eren and you will always be Eren!