Village Affairs


Facing the Fuel Hikes! Economic and Social Reflections

Facing the Fuel Hikes! Economic and Social Reflections

Oil is one of the most important sources of energy in the modern world, used in many areas of life, and Turkey has been going through a period of frequent fuel price hikes in recent years. The economic impact of ...

Inflation and the Impact of Refugee Influx on Rental Prices

Inflation and the Impact of Refugee Influx on Rental Prices

Turkey has experienced a rapid increase in rental prices in recent years, driven by economic and social dynamics. The main economic drivers include demand and supply imbalance, high construction costs, interest rates, credit conditions and real estate investments. However, the ...

Inflation and its True Face! A Danger Beyond an Economic Problem

Inflation and its True Face! A Danger Beyond an Economic Problem

Nowadays, inflation is not only a phenomenon affecting the economy, but has also become a social and political issue that deeply affects large segments of society. With the increase in inflation, people's peace of mind, family relationships and quality of ...

Impact of Tax Increases on Citizens during Economic Crises

Impact of Tax Increases on Citizens during Economic Crises

Economic downturns are times when a country's economic activity is generally low, unemployment rises and financial difficulties are experienced. Governments consider various policies to stimulate the economy and finance public spending during these challenging times. These policies include increasing the ...

Causes and Solutions to the Violence Rising with the Economic Crisis

Causes and Solutions to the Violence Rising with the Economic Crisis

Violent acts of violence and homicides are a growing concern in times of economic crises, when societies face major challenges at the social, economic and psychological levels. The root causes of such incidents include unemployment, poverty, income inequality, rising crime ...