We Commemorate the Holy Prophet by Visiting Hagia Sophia Mosque on Mawlid Kandil


We Commemorate the Holy Prophet by Visiting Hagia Sophia Mosque on Mawlid Kandil

  • 17.10.2021
  • Hagia Sophia Mosque, Istanbul

Dear Friends,

We would like to commemorate the anniversary of the Prophet's appearance in the world with a visit to Hagia Sophia in Istanbul on October 17, 2021. On the occasion of this special day, we congratulate our Mevlid Kandil and hope that our prayers will be accepted.

Ayasofia is a sacred place that was instrumental in the mercy of the beloved Prophet, the beloved of the beloved, who was the recipient of the saying "I would not have created the worlds if it were not for you". During our visit, we want to feel his light and love even more closely.

Mevlid Kandili is a blessed night when we celebrate the birthday of the Prophet. Let us strengthen our feelings of love, peace and brotherhood by praying on this important day. Let us once again remember the value of being on the path of the Prophet.

We invite all our friends to our visit to Hagia Sophia. Let's come together on the occasion of the Mevlid Kandili, share our spiritual feelings and create beautiful memories together.