freedom of thought


Young people are the guarantee of a future full of dreams.

  • Liberty and Sovereignty

    Sovereignty belongs unconditionally to the nation. This is the most important characteristic of the Republic. The only source of sovereignty is the nation and the parliament formed by the will of the nation. Only the Turkish Nation has a say in the destiny and future of the Republic of Turkey.

  • National Unity, Solidarity and Territorial Integrity

    The Turkish nation is a whole with its different religions, sects or ethnic origins and does not include any divisive and separatist elements. The Turkish nation is tightly bound together by a sense of national unity and solidarity. The people who make up the Turkish nation may have different places of birth, levels of education, professions, sects and political views, but their homeland, nation, state and flag with the moon and stars are one.

  • Peace

    Unless the life of the nation and the state is threatened, war must be avoided and war must be prepared to preserve peace at all times. The main thing is peace and the continuity of peace. In resolving disputes, international cooperation should be given importance by considering the interests of the state. Societies that are constantly in conflict and war are distanced from production and working life, cannot achieve economic development, and lag behind in science and technology.

  • Republic

    Halkın kendi kendisini yönetebildiği, egemenliğin ulusa ait olduğu ve herkesin eşit haklara sahip ve özgürce haklarını kullandığı yönetim biçimidir. Cumhuriyet halkın kendi kendisini yönetmesi ilkesine dayanır ve çok partili sistemi öngörür. Egemenliğin halka ait olduğu tek yönetim biçimidir ve cumhuriyet rejiminde yasaları koyacak kişiler, yani meclis seçim ile belirlenir. Sınıf ve cins ayrımı olmaksızın herkesin yönetime katıldığı yönetim biçimidir.

  • Democracy

    Democracy is based not only on laws but also on a political culture. Democracy is a way of life as well as a form of government. For a democratic government, it is not enough for the laws and the administrative system to be based on democratic principles alone. These basic principles must be lived in the culture that consists of people's behaviors in daily life. This increases the importance of democratic citizenship in democracies. Democratic culture can only be created through democratic citizens.

  • Equal Citizen

    Social division and class struggle have no place in our country. The Turkish nation cannot have classes that have very different interests and therefore compete with each other. No person, family, class or community can be privileged. The exploitation of the Turkish Nation by any person, class or group cannot be allowed. The means and resources of the state must be distributed equally and fairly among citizens. Every citizen is equal before the state.

  • Freedom of Thought, Religion and Conscience

    Hiç kimse zorla; güç kullanarak yahut tehdit ederek, başkalarını, dini, siyasi, sosyal, felsefi inanç ve düşüncelerini açıklamaya veya değiştirmeye zorlayamaz, açıklama yapmak isteyenleri zor kullanarak durduramaz. Din ve inançlarını yerine getirmek için ibadet eden bireylere müdahale edilemez, güç kullanılarak veya tehdit edilerek bireyler din ve vicdan hürriyetinden alıkonulamaz.

  • Justice, Conscience and Compassion

    The greatest justice is conscience and compassion. Where self-interested people increase and sacrifice decreases, cheating and immorality increase, people become hypocrites, and the reign of money resorts to all kinds of deceit to silence compassion and conscience. Where there is right, law and righteousness, there cannot be cruelty. Where there are oppressors, conscience and compassion oppose rights-eating and exploitation. Law is the social order of life oriented towards justice. Justice is the observance and fulfillment of rights. Distinguishing between the just and the unjust is ensured by justice. The concept of justice is basically compliance with the rules of law. Without law and justice, people would disrupt the balance of society with inappropriate behaviors and endanger all living things by destroying the public order.

  • Nationalization

    Anyone living within the borders of our country or abroad who identifies himself/herself as a Turk and says that he/she is a citizen of the Republic of Turkey is considered a Turk in the sense of a citizen of this country. Regardless of ethnic origin, whoever is Turkish, Kurdish, Albanian, Bosniak, Bosniak, Zaza, Georgian, Circassian, Circassian, Pomak, Gypsy, Arab, Laz, Assyrian, Armenian, Jewish, Greek, Nestorian, Chaldean, Bahai, Polish, Malakan, or Druze etc. is a citizen of the Republic of Turkey. These citizens may have different mother tongues, customs, traditions and lifestyles. They can use their languages in their daily lives. However, the state has one official language, and that is Turkish.

  • Modernization

    Era: means a period of time, a period of time. Contemporary: means living in the same age, contemporary, contemporary, modern, in accordance with the understanding and conditions of the current age. To modernize: to realize the economic, social, psychological and political changes necessary to reach the advanced institutions of the age and the level of advanced civilization, and to keep up with its innovations and characteristics. Modernization should never be seen as western admiration or imitation. On the contrary, it is to keep up with and adapt to the modern age we are in by preserving our customs, traditions and traditions on the lands we live in.

  • Scientificity

    Scientificity means giving place to science in state and social life and making use of science. Scientificity requires looking at events with a scientific eye, investigating the truth with a scientific eye, and making reason dominant without deviating from superstitions and prejudices.

  • Rule of Law

    In democracies no one is above the law. This means that in democracies everyone must obey the rule of law and violations of the law face criminal sanctions. Democracy also requires that laws are applied equally, fairly and consistently to everyone. There can be no special provisions of law for one person, group or caste. In democracies where the rule of law prevails, there are independent courts to apply the law equally to all.

  • Active Participation

    One of the main indicators of a democratic administration is the active participation of citizens in the governance process. Participation is not only a right but also a duty of citizens. In democracies, citizens should participate in the political process not only through elections but also through various activities such as learning about the problems of the country, becoming a member of non-governmental organizations and working. Active participation of citizens in society is one of the most important elements for the development of democracy.

  • Election

    Democracy requires the people to elect their rulers in free and fair elections at regular intervals. In true democracies, elections must be held according to certain principles. First, voting rights cannot be restricted for reasons such as economic status, gender, race, nationality, ability, physical condition and status in society. This is the principle of universal suffrage. Another principle that must be observed in elections is the principle of equal voting, which means that each voter has one and only one vote. Furthermore, in order to ensure that the will of the voter remains free from all kinds of pressure, no one should know who the voter voted for, which is the principle of secret ballot. For elections to be free and fair, they must be based on the principles of universal, equal and secret ballot.

  • Multi-Party System

    In democracies, the people of a country choose their representatives through elections to have a say in governance. Of course, not all the people living in a country can be expected to have the same opinion. In order to be elected as representatives, people with different views can form political parties to explain their political views to the electorate and gather supporters. For freedom of choice to have any real meaning, voters must have a variety of alternatives that allow them to choose candidates who share their views. This requirement is fulfilled by the multiparty system.

  • Majority Rule

    One of the basic principles of democracy is to accept the rule of the majority. In democracies there are multiple views and political parties. Sometimes one of these views wins in elections and gets the authority to govern. Sometimes two or more parties come together and exercise the power to govern. The opposition parties contribute to democratic functioning by criticizing the policies of the government.

  • Pluralism

    In democratic societies, the majority must protect the rights of the minority. If the power of the majority and the rights of the minority are not respected, there is no democracy. In democracies, the rights of the minority must be respected and the minority must be given the freedom to express their views freely. Democratic societies can sometimes be made up of different ethnic or religious groups. The aim of democracy is to make the best decision for everyone in society. For this reason, all segments of society should contribute to the decisions taken. This understanding also prevents the group in power from making decisions according to its own views alone.

  • Accountability

    In democracies, elected and appointed officials are accountable to the people. They do not fulfill their duties according to their own wishes and interests, but according to the laws and rules established in line with the wishes of the people. Elected and appointed officials are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions. In democracies, accountability to the public is practiced in various ways. One of these is political accountability. This takes place through free and fair elections. Other accountability mechanisms are legal and administrative accountability.

  • Transparency

    In democracies, governance must be transparent. In a democratic country, people want to be informed about what decisions are taken for what reasons, where public expenditures are made, etc. Transparent governments have to find various methods to inform the public about their decisions. The media also has important duties in this regard.

  • Constitutional Guarantee

    Democratic governments work to protect and value the rights of their citizens. They often even guarantee basic human rights by enshrining them in the country's constitution. People are born with inalienable rights. These rights enable people to live with the dignity they were born with. This is why democratic governments need to protect human rights.

  • Separation of Powers

    One of the features that must be present in a democratic government is that the legislative, executive and judicial duties are carried out by bodies independent of each other. This is called the principle of separation of powers. Thus, in democracies, these three important tasks are expected to be balanced by independent bodies.

  • Civil Society

    For a democratic society, the existence of civil society elements that convey the demands of the society to the state/government is of great importance. Civil society has missions such as ensuring democratic participation, monitoring the government and the state, expressing the needs and demands of the society, raising the level of social responsibility of the society, and ensuring the spread of democratic values at the level of society and administration.

  • Laicism

    Laicism is the separation of religion and state affairs and the state's guarantee of freedom of conscience, religious belief and opinion. In a democratic system, the state stands at an equal distance to all beliefs.