

Thank You Eren and You Will Always Be Eren!

Thank You Eren and You Will Always Be Eren!

Born in Maçka district of Trabzon province of Turkey on January 1, 2002, Eren Bülbül has earned a special place in the hearts of the Turkish Nation with his courage and love of homeland throughout his short life. Despite his ...

Victory Crowned with Perseverance and Courage Anafartalar 1915

Victory Crowned with Perseverance and Courage Anafartalar 1915

The heroic epics in the depths of history are important moments that reflect the identity and struggle of nations. One of these moments is the "Anafartalar Victory", the symbol of the Turkish Nation's struggle for independence and freedom. This victory, ...

Facing the Fuel Hikes! Economic and Social Reflections

Facing the Fuel Hikes! Economic and Social Reflections

Oil is one of the most important sources of energy in the modern world, used in many areas of life, and Turkey has been going through a period of frequent fuel price hikes in recent years. The economic impact of ...

Laiklik-Şeriat Kıyaslamasıyla Toplumun ve Özgürlüğün Sınırları

Laiklik-Şeriat Kıyaslamasıyla Toplumun ve Özgürlüğün Sınırları

In today's world, social structures and forms of government are diversifying based on different philosophical and religious foundations. In this context, concepts such as secularism and sharia bring debates about the freedoms of society and individuals. The forms of governance ...

Istanbul Convention on Combating Violence against Women and Children

Istanbul Convention on Combating Violence against Women and Children

The Istanbul Convention is an international convention drafted by the Council of Europe that sets basic standards for preventing and combating violence against women. It has been signed by 45 countries and the European Union. The Convention obliges signatory states ...