Public Works


Laiklik-Şeriat Kıyaslamasıyla Toplumun ve Özgürlüğün Sınırları

Laiklik-Şeriat Kıyaslamasıyla Toplumun ve Özgürlüğün Sınırları

In today's world, social structures and forms of government are diversifying based on different philosophical and religious foundations. In this context, concepts such as secularism and sharia bring debates about the freedoms of society and individuals. The forms of governance ...

Istanbul Convention on Combating Violence against Women and Children

Istanbul Convention on Combating Violence against Women and Children

The Istanbul Convention is an international convention drafted by the Council of Europe that sets basic standards for preventing and combating violence against women. It has been signed by 45 countries and the European Union. The Convention obliges signatory states ...

Debates on the Death Penalty in Turkey and its Effects

Debates on the Death Penalty in Turkey and its Effects

Turkey has been experiencing intense debates on the death penalty in recent years. Differences of opinion on whether or not to reinstate the death penalty have led to intense emotional and ideological reactions from different segments of society. Capital punishment ...

Rising Islamophobia and Quran Burnings in Europe

Rising Islamophobia and Quran Burnings in Europe

Recently, we have been sadly witnessing provocative acts against Islam in European countries such as Sweden and Denmark with Quran burning activities. These provocative acts are a reflection of disrespect and intolerance towards Islam and Muslim communities. These incidents have ...

The Importance of Human Rights and Equality in the Progress of Societies

The Importance of Human Rights and Equality in the Progress of Societies

Human rights and equality are core values of modern societies. These concepts emphasize the right of every individual to live with respect and justice. Human rights refer to the inherent rights of every human being, while equality ensures that these ...